Saturday, March 19, 2011

2010: Part 1

In 2010, I was a bit more busy. I did some planting in July and major work on the lawn in the fall.

For this post, I'm just going to cover the July plantings. These are the perennials that I planted in the front yard:

'Kobold' Spike Gayfeather, 'Montgomery' Astilbe, Perennial Gaillardia

And here are the perennials that I planted in the back yard:

'Nora Leigh' Garden Plox, Coral Bells, 'Midnight Rose' Coral Bells

I also planted some Impatiens. Here are some photos of what it looked like once planted:

Phlox, surrounded by three Impatiens. Also visible are some Hostas and the
Japanese Maple.

This is just to the right of the above photo. Both Coral Bells. Also
visible is a large Hosta.

And finally, I bought some potted plants (one was a Geranium) and a hanging plant of some sort.


Hanging plant. I can't remember what this was, but the pink/orange
 flowers opened when it was sunny. Very beautiful.
An awesome colorful leafy plant that I will definitely be getting again.
These leafs were in excess of 8" in length. Unfortunately,
I don't remember the name. 
This is a close-up of the Phlox. Very beautiful.
Unfortunately, it lost its flowers as time went on.
Everything did fairly well except for the Phlox and Geranium. The Phlox didn't get enough light and quickly lost all of its blossoms and struggled to grow more (but stayed alive), and the Geranium I over-watered. Lessons learned: Geraniums like it dry; Phlox need more light - being in the backyard, I'm not surprised and knew when I bought it that it probably wasn't going to have enough light. I'm going to try to transplant it this spring to the front yard in a hopefully sunnier spot. We'll see how that goes...

In the next post, I'll cover the lawn project that I did in the fall.

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